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13-09-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Which of these lead to Antimicrobial Resistance in humans?

  1. Overuse of drugs.
  2. Unauthorised/Unprescribed usage of drugs.
  3. Use of superbugs.

2. Which of the following are leading to increase in AMR?

  1. Infections by superbugs.
  2. Pharmaceutical pollution
  3. Lack of diagnostic based prescriptions.

3. Consider the following statements wrt India-UAE relations & mark the correct one:

  1. India & UAE signed a CEPA in 2022.
  2. UAE has invested in Phase 1 & 2 Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd.(ISPRL).

4. Which of the countries is not part of India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor?


5. Consider the following statements wrt SDG 4 & mark the correct one:

  1. SDG 4 focuses upon increasing enrollment without equity.
  2. Learning outcomes are not part of SDG 4.
4 - 3 ?

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