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15-05-2024 MCQs GS Test English

4 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. India has constructed the Shahid Beheshti Terminal in the Chabahar Port.
  2. The Chabahar Port lies in the Sistan Baluchistan province of Iran.

2. Which of these roads is constructed by India?


3. Consider the following statements and mark how many of them are correct.

  1. India raised the import duty of Pakistani imports in 2019 post abrogation of Article 370.
  2. Pakistan unilaterally stopped all trade with India post Balakot Air strikes by India as retaliation to Pulwama attacks.
  3. The Chabahar Port will enable India to encircle Pakistan.

4. Consider the following conditions and mark the correct ones from which people in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir are suffering presently:

  1. High Electricity prices
  2. Lack of Electricity
  3. Discrimination from the Central Government of Pakistan
  4. High food prices
7 * 2 ?

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