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Bhoota Kola

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Bhoota Kola

Key facts about Bhoota Kola :

  • Bhuta Kola is also known as Daiva Kola or Nema.
  • It is a ritual dance performance which in prevalent among Hindus.
  • It mainly celebrated in Karnataka and also some parts of kerala.
  • Tulu community largely participate in it.
  • The recent Kannada film KANTARA is based on this ritual.


Key facts about Yakshagana :

  • Yakshagana is a traditional theatre which is prevalent in Dakshina Kannada, Shimoga and Western Chikmangaluru districts of Karnataka.
  • It is also prevalent in the Kasaragod district in the state of Kerala.
  • It combines dance, music, dialogue, costume, make-up and stage techniques with a unique style and form.
  • It is believed to have evolved from pre-classical music and theatre during the period of Bhakti movement.
  • Its stories are drawn from Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata and other epics from both Hindu and Jain traditions.

Syllabus : Prelims + Mains;  GS1 – Culture

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