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Ghol Fish

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Ghol Fish


  • Ghol fish was declared the state fish of Gujarat by Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel during a two-day Global Fisheries Conference India 2023 in Ahmedabad.

Why was the ghol chosen?

  • The Gujarat government chose the ghol because of its economic value and its uniqueness.
  • The fish is usually found in the Indo-Pacific region that stretches from the Persian Gulf to the Pacific Ocean.
  • The declaration will enable Gujarat to be a part of its conservation efforts, said officials.
  • Every state can declare a state fish.
  • While deciding one for Gujarat, the first thing that came to our mind was the uniqueness of the fish species.
  • This fish is not easily available. Catches that are reported are far and few between.
  • The second factor was the economic value of the fish, and third is the need to conserve it and prevent it from over-exploitation.

What is the commercial importance of this fish species?

  • Being an expensive fish, the local consumption of this variety is not widely heard of, said experts.
  • But the fish has a huge market in China and other countries.
  • The fish is actually a lottery for fishermen who manage to net it.
  • The fish is not only tasty, it is considered a delicacy in many countries.
  • In others, it is used for medicinal purposes. While the meat of the fish is exported as frozen fillet or whole fish to European and Middle-Eastern countries.
  • Its air bladder which is cut open from the stomach and dried is mainly exported to China, Hong Kong and other Asian countries where it is in high demand for its medicinal values.

Syllabus: Prelims

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