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Village Defence Committees

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Village Defence Committees

Why in news:

  • With heightened terror activity in Jammu, the CRPF is reviving Village Defence Committees that were disbanded in the early 2000s.

  • The committees had been disbanded in the early 2000s amid allegations of crimes, including abduction and rape, committed by its members.

More about Village Defence Committees:

  • Village Defence Guards(VDGs) formerly known as Village Defence Committeesis a militia formed in the mid-1990s in the Chenab Valley area of Jammu and Kashmir for the self-defence of locals especially Hindus in remote hilly villages against militancy.
  • It consists of villagers as well as police officers.
  • The Indian Army conducts training camps for VDCs consisting of weapons training and intelligence gathering basics.

Syllabus: Prelims + Mains; GS3- Internal Security

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