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04-12-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements and mark the correct ones:

  1. The Urban Infrastructure Development Fund has been created to supplement funding for the Tier 2 & 3 urban areas.
  2. This initiative has been launched using the priority sector lending shortfall.

2. Which agency of the government will manage the UIDF?


3. Arrange the following Tiger Reserves from North to South:

  1. Ratapani Tiger Reserve
  2. Guru Ghasidas Tiger Reserve
  3. Sunabeda Tiger Reserve

4. Which of these will be the implications of labelling Ratapani as a Tiger Reserve?

  1. The people living in Buffer zones of Ratapani Tiger Reserve will have to be relocated.
  2. Ratapani Tiger Reserve will receive funding from the National Tiger Conservation Authority established under Project Tiger.
  3. It will boost eco tourism.

5. India has successfully eradicated which of the following diseases?

  1. Polio
  2. TB
  3. Leprosy
  4. Smallpox
6 + 0 ?

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