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05-12-2024 MCQs GS Test English

4 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. Exercise Harimau Shakti is for increasing coordination in Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Relief.
  2. The Mahar Regiment participated in the 2024 edition of this exercise.

2. Consider the following statements wrt Exercise CINBAX and mark the correct one:

  1. The 2024 edition was the inaugural one.
  2. It aims at enhancing cooperation in HADR.
  3. Intelligence Sharing is also part of the exercise.

3. On which day is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities observed?


4. Which of the following are focus areas of National Health Policy 2017?

  1. Primary Healthcare
  2. Make in India for healthcare products
  3. Digitalization in Healthcare
4 - 3 ?

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