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09-12-2021 MCQs Test

10 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements about the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act, 2016:

  1. It complies with India’s commitments under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
  2. The Act covers specified disabilities such as Blindness, Low-vision, Leprosy Cured persons, Hearing Impairment and Parkinson’s disease, etc.

Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?


2. Consider the following statements:

  1. Article 41 lays down an obligation on the State to promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people.
  2. Article 46 declares that the State shall make effective provision for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of disablement and in other cases of underserved want.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


3. What is National Health Accounts (NHA)?

  1. It is prepared by the National Health Systems Resource Centre, designated as National Health Accounts Technical Secretariat (NHATS) in 2014 by the Union Health Ministry.
  2. Its estimates are prepared by using an accounting framework based on the internationally accepted System of Health Accounts 2011.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.


4. Consider the following statements about the Model Code of Conduct:

  1. It applies to political parties and candidates during elections and is in effect from the moment the elections are declared by the Commission.
  2. These guidelines are legally enforceable.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


5. What is International IDEA (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance)?


6. Consider the following statements about the Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA):

  1. It was launched for developing and strengthening the capacities of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) for rural local governance.
  2. It looks into preparing the participatory plans that leverage technology, efficient and optimum utilization of available resources.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


7. Consider the following statements:

  1. NASA launched its new Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD).
  2. LCRD is NASA’s first-ever laser communications system which will demonstrate all of the advantages of using laser systems.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


8. Consider the following statements about the Calcutta Unitarian Committee:

  1. In 1868, Keshub Chandra Sen laid the foundation stone of it.
  2. It represented the secular side of the Brahmo Samaj and had many non-Brahmo Samaj members.

Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?


9. What is Hornbill festival?


10. What is the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute?

  1. It is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control, and disarmament.
  2. It was established in 1966 at Stockholm.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

7 * 2 ?

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