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11-02-2025 MCQs GS Test English

4 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements wrt NAVIC and mark the correct one:

  1. It is a constellation of 7 satellites, all of them deployed in the Geostationary orbit.
  2. NAVIC can cover 1500 km from east & west of India.

2. Which of the following are the applications of NAVIC?

  1. Location Services
  2. Resource Mobility
  3. National Security

3. Consider the following statements wrt Remittances received by India in 2024 and mark the correct one:

  1. It was the highest ever remittance received by India.
  2. Majority of remittances came from the developed countries.

4. The term Core Inflation refers to which of the following?

4 - 3 ?

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