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13-01-2025 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Which of these winds are associated with the ongoing wildfires in USA?


2. Which of these factors are responsible for the ongoing wildfires in California region?

  1. Increased intensity of offshore local winds
  2. Climate Change
  3. Wet winter

3. Which chemical composition is found in Pink Fire Retardants?


4. Consider the following statements about INTERPOL and mark the correct one:

  1. INTERPOL is a body under the UN.
  2. It is headquartered in Paris.

5. Consider the following statements wrt Silver Notice and mark the correct one:

  1. The Silver Notice is a new tool introduced by Interpol to locate assets linked to criminal activities.
  2. Italy is the first country to request the issue of Silver Notice.
7 * 2 ?

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