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20-11-2021 MCQs Test

10 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements about Rani Lakshmibai:

  1. She was the queen of the Maratha princely state of Jhansi.
  2. The British East India Company application of the Doctrine of Lapse and annexation of the state of Jhansi led her to revolt against the colonial empire.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


2. Consider the following statements:

  1. India has become the third-largest domestic aviation market in the world.
  2. UDAN is a regional airport development program of the Government of India and part of the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS) of upgrading underserviced air routes.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


3. Consider the following statements:

  1. India’s MSME sector plays a very significant role in terms of job creation, expanding manufacturing base and boosting Indian exports.
  2. The sector consists of over 6 crore units employing over 11 crore people.
  3. It is a seminal contributor to the economic growth with over 30% of contribution to GDP and over 49% of overall exports from India.

Which of the above statements re correct?


4. Which of the following country has carried out another successful test of its Zircon hypersonic cruise missile?


5. Consider the following statements about the Anti-Defection Law:

  1. It was passed in 1985 through the 52nd Amendment to the Constitution.
  2. Any question regarding disqualification arising out of defection is to be decided by the presiding officer of the House.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


6. Where is Rezang La?


7. What is ASEAN?

  1. Its motto is “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”.
  2. ASEAN Secretariat is in Jakarta.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.


8. What is Permanent Court of Arbitration?


9. What is Vienna Convention?


10. What is Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF)?

7 * 2 ?

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