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23-09-2021 MCQs Test

10 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements about Ammonium Nitrate:

  1. It is a nitrogen-rich white but non-crystalline chemical which is insoluble in water.
  2. It is used as an ingredient for the production of anaesthetic gases and cold packs.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


2. Consider the following statements about GST Council:

  1. It is chaired by the Prime Minister.
  2. It is considered as a federal body where both the centre and the states get due representation.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


3. World Rhino Day is observed on:


4. Consider the following pairs regarding volcanoes and their respective location:

    1. Dhinodhar Hills: Gujarat
    2. Kilauea Volcano: Japan
    3. Sangay Volcano: Philippines

Which of the above pairs are incorrect?


5. Consider the following statements about Qutub Minar:

  1. Its surrounding contains Alai-Darwaza Gate.
  2. Its construction was started by Qutub-ud-din Aibak and repaired by Muhammad-bin-Tughluq only.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


6. Consider the following statements regarding the eligibility criteria for a ‘National Political Party of India:

  1. It secures at least six percent of the valid votes polled in any four or more states to the House of the People only.
  2. It wins at least four seats in the House of the People from any State or States.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


7. Which of the following beaches in India were awarded the Blue Flag certificate?


8. What is the Blue flag certification?


9. What is Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM)?


10. Which of the following subject does not comes under the Concurrent List?

4 - 3 ?

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