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30-07-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. Oil spills can be a man made & natural disaster.
  2. Oil Spills can have long term impact on the ecology of a region.

2. Exxon Valdez oil spill happened in which ocean?


3. Which of the following designers has designed the outfit for the Indian contingent for Olympics, 2024?


4. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. Oropouche Fever is endemic to Brazil.
  2. Oropouche Fever is a viral disease which can be fatal.

5. Consider the following statements about Oropouche Fever and mark how many of them are correct?

  1. Oropouche Fever is a viral disease.
  2. It can be transmitted from humans to humans.
  3. There is no specific treatment known as of now for this disease.
4 - 3 ?

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