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What is meant by Bluebugging :

  • It is a form of hacking that allows the hackers to control the device using discoverable Bluetooth connection.

Blubagging and its working mechanism

How does it hacks the mobiles and laptops :

  • The hacker uses the loophole in the Bluetooth settings.
  • The Bluetooth should be in discoverable format which is default setting in most of the devices.
  • The hacker tries to pair with the device when the device is within 10 meters of distance.
  • When the connection is established, the hacker will gain unauthorized access to the device.

Vulnerabilities of the system and its components

How can we make our devices safe from bluebugging :

  • Turning off Bluetooth and disconnecting paired Bluetooth devices when not using.
  • Updating the device’s software to the latest edition
  • Limited use of public wifi
  • Using VPN as an additional security measure

Syllabus : prelims+mains;GS-3; Science and Technology

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