- The World leaders at World Economic Forum (WEF) 2024 in Davos, Switzerland are set to discuss Disease X.
- World leaders at the forum are set to discuss Disease X – a mysterious name for an illness caused by a currently unknown, yet serious microbial threat.
- A panel of the World Health Organization (WHO) will join the leaders and other health officials to discuss the health threat at the WEF.
- The news of this illness has sparked a massive war of words on social media, with some users slamming the plans surrounding the hypothetical situation.
- The topic of WEF debate will be: What innovative measures are required to get healthcare systems ready for the numerous difficulties that lie ahead, in light of the World Health Organization’s recent warnings that an unidentified ‘Disease X’ could cause 20 times more deaths than the coronavirus pandemic?
- Disease-X is an illness caused by a unknown, yet serious microbial threat.
- Back in 2017, WHO added Disease X to a list of pathogens deemed a top priority for research alongside Ebola and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
- Although it is not a specific disease, but rather a placeholder for any unknown or newly emerging infectious disease that could pose a significant threat to public health.
- Covid is an example of Disease X.
- Disease–X may seem like an abstract concept, but it serves as a reminder to prepare for any potential health crises that can emerge.
- Disease X could range from being less severe than the common cold to being more lethal than COVID-19.
- This uncertainty is what makes it so crucial for governments and global health organizations to remain alert and prepared for any potential outbreaks.
- According to a report by Bloomberg, the vast reservoir of viruses circulating in wildlife is seen as a likely source of more such diseases due to their potential to spill over and infect other species, including humans.
- The World Economic Forum is set to hold a meeting to discuss a pandemic that many believe will cause 20 times more deaths than Covid-19.
- According to WHO the reason to study Disease X is to enable cross-cutting research and development preparedness that is very relevant for an unknown disease.
- The global humanitarian crisis sparked by pandemics such as Ebola, Covid, and other diseases has been a wake-up call.
- The Ebola epidemic killed thousands of people globally.
- As per Bloomberg, “Despite decades of research, there were no products ready to deploy in time to save these lives during Covid-19.”
- One of the biggest concerns regarding Disease X is that it could be caused by an unknown pathogen. Thus, making it difficult to detect and treat.
- In response, the WHO created an R&D Blueprint to accelerate the development of a range of tools for unknown pathogens and “priority diseases”.
- As seen during COVID-19, it took several months to identify the virus and develop effective treatments and vaccines.
- Thus delay in response can have disastrous consequences, as we have witnessed with the ongoing pandemic.
- The current list of priority diseases by the WHO includes –
- Covid,
- Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever,
- Ebola virus disease and Marburg virus disease,
- Lassa fever,
- Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and SARS,
- Nipah and henipaviral diseases,
- Rift Valley fever,
- Zika,
- Disease X
- Investing in global health preparedness and response efforts is the best way to combat Disease X.
- It can also be prevented by strengthening healthcare systems, promoting research and development for new treatments and vaccines, and improving surveillance for potential outbreaks.
- Health services must be able to expand their capacity on demand.
- By proper monitoring and arrangements, we can minimise the impact of any future pandemics and protect the health of our global community.
- WHO is convening over 300 scientists who will consider the evidences on over 25 virus families and bacteria includng “Disease X.”
- Disease X is included to indicate an unknown pathogen, as it could cause a serious global epidemic.
- The experts will recommend a list of priority pathogens which need further research, investment and monitoring.
- The whole process will include both scientific and public health criteria, as well as criteria related to socioeconomic impact, access, and equity.