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Why in news: Recently the government has approved the environmental release of genetically modified (GM) hybrid mustard DMH-11 crop.

What is GM (genetically modified) crop?

  • GENETICALLY MODIFICATION is a disruptive technology because it can bring targeted changes in crops that cannot be achieved through normal breeding of plant lines.
  • DMH-11 has been developed by scientists at Delhi University’s Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants.
  • They have used the “barnasebarstar” system with some improvements to breed the hybrid.
  • Three genes used to develop GM mustard – Barnase, Barstar and Bar.
  • BARNASE-BARSTAR SYSTEM :- GM “Barnase-Barstar” system provides an alternative route for hybridisation in mustard that is robust and addresses the sterility breakdown problems.

Whats the need of DMH-11 mustard ?

  • The objective of genetic modification was to make the mustard crop amenable to hybridisation.
  • These crops demonstrate higher yield and better adaptation.
  • Hybrids typically show 20-25% yield increase over conventional bred varieties yields.
  • In case of DMH-11, It showed around 28 per cent higher yield over the national best mustard variety Varuna.

Is GM MUSTARD the cure to India’s edible oil problem ?

  • Our current mustard yield, at 1.2-1.3 tonnes per hectare, is roughly half of the global average.
  • We need to raise this not just for mustard, but all oilseed crops.
  • GM mustard will stop the current forex drain on imports of edible oil.
  • As a significant step towards addressing the problem of low productivity in mustard, helping bring down imports of edible oil in the future.

Challenges in GM Mustard-

  • The doubters have questioned the safety of the three genes. it will promote use of herbicides.
  • Environmental Concern as they can decrease species diversity richness.
  • It is also said as an apprehension that the seeds of this crop cannot be used for regeneration.

What GM crops are allowed legally in India:

  • Currently GM cotton is the only GM crop permitted to be grown and cultivated in India.

Syllabus: Prelims + Mains; GS3 – Science and Technology

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