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Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)

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Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)


  • It is an intergovernmental organisation that links African Indian Ocean nations: Comoros, madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion (an overseas region of France), Seychelles.
  • There are also seven observers: China, the European Union, the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, the Sovereign Order of Malta, India, Japan and the United Nations.
  • The IOC was created in 1982 in Port – Louis, Mauritius, and institutionalised in 1984 by the Victoria Agreement (Seychelles). 

Objectives of IOC:

  • As an intergovernmental organisation of cooperation, the Indian Ocean Commission promotes peace and stability, maritime security, food security, environmental conservation, fisheries, climate change adaptation, the interests of island developing states, public health and cultural expression.
  • Its action is thus in line with the international frameworks to which its member states are signatories, such as the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development to 2030 and the Global Climate Agreement, among Others.
  • In 2020, the IOC is implementing 14 cooperation projects. Over the period 2020–2025, it will manage a total project budget of approximately 130 million euros.

Syllabus: Prelims

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