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Internet Resilience Index

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Internet Resilience Index

Why in news:

  • India achieved an overall score of 43 per cent in the Internet Resilience Index (IRI), ranking sixth in the South Asian region.

  • According to the global non-profit organisation Internet Society, India’s security is ranked above average, attributed to having the highest IPv6 (the newest Internet Protocol to accommodate growing networks) adoption globally.
  • Counties like Bhutan (58 percent), Bangladesh (51 percent), Maldives (50 percent), Sri Lanka (47 percent), and Nepal (43 percent) are ahead of India in the IRI ranking.
  • In terms of market readiness the ability of India’s Internet market to self-regulate and provide affordability is ranked comparatively poorly.
  • According to the four pillars that make up the IRI, India scores 31 per cent in infrastructure, 40 per cent in performance, 66 per cent in security, and 35 per cent in market readiness.
  • India’s mobile performance (29 percent) is nearly less than half of the fixed network performance (55 percent), according to the report.

Syllabus: Prelims

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