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06-11-2023 MCQs Test English

5 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements with respect to Air Quality Index.

  1. AQI is envisioned as the ‘One Number- One Colour-One Description’ for the common man to judge the air quality within his vicinity.
  2. The formulation of the index was a continuation of the initiatives under Swachh Bharat Mission envisioned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi.

Choose the correct answer.


2. Consider the following statements with respect to Air Quality Index.

  1. There are six AQI categories, namely Good, Satisfactory, Moderately polluted, Poor, Very Poor, and Severe.
  2. The AQI will consider eight pollutants i.e, PM10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, NH3, and Pb.

Choose the correct answer.


3. Consider the following statements with respect to Forever chemicals.

  1. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are man-made chemicals, numbering approximately 4,700 variants.
  2. PFAS, in various forms, have played pivotal roles in creating oil- and grease-resistant food packaging, non-stick cookware, water-and stain-resistant textiles, and fire-fighting foams.

Choose the correct answer.


4. Which of the following are side effects of forever chemicals.

  1. Increased risk of cancer,
  2. liver damage,
  3. compromised immune function,
  4. developmental disorders and hormonal disruption.

Choose the correct answer.


5. Consider the following statements with respect to Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

  1. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a forum of 21 Asia-Pacific economies.
  2. APEC’s member economies are home to more than 2.9 billion people and make up over 60 per cent of global GDP.

Choose the correct answer.

7 * 2 ?

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