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13-07-2023 MCQs Test English

5 Questions

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1. Consider the correct statements with respect to National Research Foundation (NRF):

  1. The NRF intends to act as a coordinating agency between researchers, various government bodies and industry.
  2. It helps bringing industry into the mainstream of research.
  3. Setting up the NRF was one of the key recommendations of the National Education Policy 2020.

Choose the correct statements:


2. Choose the correct statement on Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC):

  1. It was constituted based on the provisions of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002.
  2. The People’s Biodiversity Register (PBR) was prepared by Biodiversity Management Committee.

Choose the correct statement:


3. Choose the correct statement on Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO):

  1. India has assumed the SCO Chairmanship for 2023.
  2. Varanasi has been designated as the first cultural capital of the SCO.

Choose the correct statement:


4. Choose the correct statements:

  1. Ministry of Corporate Affairs 21 data-set was introduced in place of the Annual Survey of Industries to expand coverage of the organized sector.
  2. MCA21 data offers a broad aggregate picture of the corporate sector.

Choose the correct statement:


5. Tejaswini Rural Women Empowerment Programme was implemented in Madhya Pradesh by:

6 + 0 ?

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