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02-12-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. AUKUS, signed in 2021, aims to enhance military capabilities of Australia.
  2. Under AUKUS, Australia will be receiving Nuclear capable submarines from UK & USA.

2. Consider the following statements and mark how many of them are correct?

  1. India does not have a nuclear powered submarine but a nuclear capable submarine.
  2. The K4 missiles have a longer range than K15 missiles.
  3. The K4 missiles are designed to be launched from underwater.

3. Consider the following statements and mark the correct ones:

  1. INS Arihant is a non nuclear capable submarine.
  2. INS Arighaat is a nuclear capable submarine.

4. In which period was Ayurveda introduced?


5. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. Sushruta is considered as the Father of Surgery in India.
  2. Plastic Surgery was possible during Vedic Period in India.
  3. The earliest forms of organized medical care in India was witnessed during Buddha.
6 + 0 ?

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