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04-02-2025 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Which of these are focus areas under the National Manufacturing Mission?

  1. Ease of Doing Business
  2. Technology Accessibility
  3. Quality Enhancement

2. Which sectors will be focussed upon under the National manufacturing Mission?

  1. Footwear manufacturing
  2. Toys Manufacturing
  3. Clean Tech Manufacturing
  4. Hardware for data centres manufacturing.

3. Consider the following statements wrt India & the Ramsar Convention and mark the correct one:

  1. India has the highest no. of wetlands in the world now.
  2. India is a founding member signatory of the Ramsar convention.

4. Consider the following pairs and mark how many of them are correctly matched?

       Wetland                        State

1. Theerthangal                Jharkhand

2. Udhwa Lake                Tamil Nadu

3. Khecheopalri Lake    Sikkim


5. Consider the following statements wrt the announcements done in Budget 2025-26 and mark the correct one:

  1. PM Dhan Dhanya Krishi Yojana aims at developing 100 districts with high productivity.
  2. Makhana Board has to be established in Bihar.
7 * 2 ?

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