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06-01-2025 MCQs GS Test English

4 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. The GEAC is the apex technical body responsible for regulating genetically modified (GM) seeds and crops in India.
  2. The GEAC operates under the administrative control of Ministry of Science & Technology.

2. Which of these GM Crop is available for commercial cultivation in India presently?


3. Which of the following is/are the objectives of RCIC?

  1. Address labour shortages.
  2. Promote economic development
  3. Boost population growth in underrepresented areas.

4. Which of these can be the potential benefits of the RCIC scheme?

  1. Easy access to Permanent Residency.
  2. It can lead to long term Residency.
6 + 0 ?

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