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07-01-2025 MCQs GS Test English

4 Questions

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1. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. The Three Gorges Dam is constructed on the Yarlung Tsangpo river.
  2. The Three Gorges Dam is the largest dam of the world.

2. On which of the following rivers is ‘The Great Bend’ located?


3. Consider the following statements wrt Open Digital Kit & mark the correct one:

  1. It is a digital tool adopted to increase accountability of the government.
  2. It is available with multilingual capabilities.
  3. It takes into account beneficiaries surveys.

4. Which of these can be the symptoms of HMPV?

  1. Fever
  2. Runny nose
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Wheezing.
7 * 2 ?

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