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08-07-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Consider the following & merk the correct statements:

  1. India’s BoP comprises of Current & Capital Account.
  2. India’s Current Account has been positive for FY 24.

2. Which of the following is part of the Current Account?


3. Consider the following statements wrt The Digital Bharat Nidhi & mark the correct one:

  1. The DBN will replace the USOF.
  2. The USOF, introduced in 2005, aims to enhance network coverage in Unserved areas.

4. Which of the following are aims of DBN?

  1. Improving affordability.
  2. Promoting innovation.
  3. Setting standards.

5. Which of the countries is part of the expanded BRICS?

4 - 3 ?

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