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12-06-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. What was Operation Cactus?


2. Which among the following factors is signifying strategic importance of Maldives for India?

  1. Maldives can help India to counter the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI).
  2. Maldives can help India to extend its influence on the Indian Ocean Region.
  3. Various Sea Lines of Communication passes in the vicinity of Maldives.
  4. Maldives is part of the India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor- a multimodal connectivity project to counter China’s BRI.

3. Consider the statements and mark the correct one:

  1. European Parliament makes the budget for EU countries.
  2. European Parliament meets in France.

4. Consider the following pairs and mark how many of them are correctly matched:

  1. European Commission: Comprises of ministers of EU countries for coordination of policies.
  2. The Council of EU: The Executive arm of European Parliament.
  3. The European Parliament: Makes laws & budget for EU.

5. Consider the statements and mark the correct one:

  1. The seats in the European Parliament are allocated by progressive proportionality principle.
  2. No country can have fewer than 6 or more than 96 MEPs.
6 + 0 ?

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