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13-12-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Which of the following HEPs built by India in Bhutan is the largest in capacity?


2. Which of these is the major theme of the Gelephu Mindfulness City Project?


3. Consider the following statements and mark the correct one:

  1. India Russia Intergovernmental Commission (IRIGC) is an institutional mechanism established for deepening the strategic partnership in 2000.
  2. India & Russia are co-developing S 400 air defence systems.

4. Which of these was a focus theme in the Poshan Mah 2024?

  1. Environment Conservation
  2. Digitalisation
  3. Anaemia
  4. Poshan bhi padhai bhi

5. Which state was the top performing state in the POSHAN MAH 2024?

6 + 0 ?

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