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21-05-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Who is the current supreme leader of Iran?


2. Which of the following are part of Axis of Resistance?

  1. Iran
  2. Hezbollah
  3. Houthis
  4. Syria
  5. Hamas

3. Consider the following statements and mark the correct statement:

  1. Iran’s President operates within the overall authority of the Supreme Leader.
  2. The Supreme Leader of Iran is always from the conservative faction.
  3. The president of Iran is democratically chosen.

4. Consider the following statement & mark the correct one:

  1. The sub orbital orbit is present only below 100 kms from the Earth.
  2. Weightlessness is experienced in the sub orbital orbit.

5. Consider the following statements about International Space Station (ISS) and mark the correct ones:

  1. The ISS is the laboratory of Earth in space.
  2. It is located at the Karman Line in Space.
4 - 3 ?

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