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24-12-2024 MCQs GS Test English

5 Questions

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1. Which organisation releases the Indian State of Forest Report (ISFR)?


2. Which of the following trends have been witnessed in The Indian State of Forest Report, 2023?

  1. The Tree Cover has reduced from the previous assessment.
  2. The Carbon Stock has increased from the previous assessment.
  3. Madhya Pradesh is the state with the largest tree cover.

3. Consider the following statements and mark the correct ones:

  1. Free Trade Agreements aims to make International trade cheaper by making tariffs absolutely zero.
  2. Free Trade Agreements can lead to dumping.

4. With which of the countries/blocks, India has not signed a Free Trade Agreement?


5. Recently, which African country has been impacted with the Dunga Dunga Virus?

4 - 3 ?

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