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Relocation Of Tigers in Maharashtra

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To revive the population of tigers in Sahyadri Tiger Reserve (STR) — the lone tiger reserve in the Maharashtra western region — the state’s forest department will soon translocate tigers from Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) in Chandrapur district.

However, the objective of the project can only be achieved if the Sahyadri-Konkan wildlife corridor — forests in STR, Goa, and Karnataka is secure enough and free from human disturbances, according to the experts.


A National Park or Wildlife Sanctuary that is considered significant for protecting tigers can be additionally designated as a Tiger Reserve.

  • They are governed by Project Tiger which is administered by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA).
  • A Tiger Reserve consists of a ‘Core’ or ‘Critical Tiger Habitat’, which is to be managed as an inviolate area and a ‘Buffer’ or Peripheral area is immediately abutting a Core area, which may be accorded a lesser degree of habitat protection.


The STR, located in northern Western Ghats, was established in January 2010 and straddles Kolhapur, Satara, Sangli, and Ratnagiri districts in western Maharashtra.

It comprises Chandoli National Park and Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary.


The tiger population in the region has been historically low.


  • Due to poaching,
  • Poor prey base, and
  • Changing habitat.

Even after the STR was notified, the number of tigers did not increase as breeding tigers did not colonise the reserve.

One way the population can increase is through the inflow of tigers from the forests, located towards the south of STR, in Goa and Karnataka, especially with the strengthening of the wildlife corridor. However, the spike in tiger numbers can take years.

As a result, the translocation of tigers has been opted for short-term outcomes.


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